Instead of trying to force European integration concepts on African countries, the challenge is to adapt policy making and implementation to the existing asymmetries in the institutional set-up, embed bilateral relations of member states and to involve business in order to ensure compatibility with market realities.
Funding needs to shift from inefficacious development policies (except humanitarian aid) to investment and trade. This alone will help structural transformation in agriculture, manufacturing and services, facilitate self-propelling economic growth in its expanding consumer markets, in African countries and their Regional Economic Communities; it will benefit the European economy too.
The potential of sustainably managed forests for a bio-economy, and network improvement and cooperation in the energy sector are needed for local supply as well as for exports. Improving infrastructure will facilitate intra-African value chains. Trade facilitation measures supporting regional market integration and the African Free Trade Area and carefully considering impact of EU policies can help upscaling of SMEs in Africa and to connect them to global value chains. Promising initiatives, such as Global Gateway, should be conceived within new mindsets and operational methods.
This HLG is chaired by Mamphela Ramphele, former managing director at the World Bank, co-chair of the Club of Rome.
Previous chair: John Bruton, former Prime Minister of Ireland and former EU Ambassador to the USA.
The following people, from the European and national public sector, from corporations and from academia, gave their time and expertise to the work on Africa Europe partnership:
Download: HLG Africa Europe Partnership Members List
​Under revision