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Clean Energies & supply security

Energy decarbonisation impacts the whole economy and society but it requires a more systemic approach, examining the total cost of transitions and technology openness without prejudice. Internal policy objectives need to be dynamically connected to global market changes and expected economic and social consumption needs and supply security. 


Diverse technologies can be adapted to diverse contextual conditions, ensuring that the market decides where the various technologies needed in the transition are deployed. But the budgetary, financial and social costs require  the private and the public sector to jointly contribute, and at EU level the creation of an EU low-carbon Fund and of an EU Clean Tech Fund to support Member States on the basis of objective criteria and independent auditing.


Coordinated efforts should be deployed to finance interconnections and supply chain diversification.  Energy storage technologies, for short- and for long-duration, will be needed to facilitate the widespread adoption of renewable energy sources.  Investments in vocational training are important but also creative strategies to attract qualified work force from third countries, and more  flexibility in labour market rules. Outdated subsidy system should be phased-out within a clear timeline. 


Particular attention is required for scarce access to critical raw materials/electronics and how to ensure their circularity. Double standards must be replaced by support for environmentally acceptable mining technologies and practices in third countries. Security of supply must be guaranteed through robust infrastructure and diversification strategies. 


This HLG is chaired by Andris Piebalgs, former EU Commissioner for Energy.





The following people, from the European and national public sector, from corporations and from academia, gave their time and expertise to the work on clean energies and supply security:


Download: HLG Clean Energies & Supply Security Members List


​Under revision

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