The multiple roles of forests in Europe's transition to a climate-neutral, circular bio-economy must be fully recognised, not just its carbon absorption capacity. This requires a holistic and coherent policy to deal effectively with their complexity and regional differences, and to utilize scientific knowledge for tailored approaches. Wood is a critical raw material with many valuable applications, from bioenergy to construction, textiles, pharmaceuticals, and more.
Significant research investments, public-private partnerships, collaboration between SMEs and multinational corporations, and innovative financing mechanisms need to be designed to combine protecting natural forests, expanding planted forests and plantations, restoring degraded landscapes and greening urban areas, and enhancing fibre production.
Forest diversification will enhance resilience and biodiversity, but there is a need for regulatory standardisation across the EU and a synergistic relationship between agriculture and forestry. Future policy should include a public health axis to help mitigate risks arising from ecosystem disruption.
This HLG is chaired by Esko Aho, former Prime Minister of Finland.
The following people, from the European and national public sector, from corporations and from academia, gave their time and expertise to the work on forestry & biomaterials:
Download: HLG Forestry & Biomaterials Members List
​Under revision